They know it’s a job requirement. At least they should.
Time. Energy. Money.
Studio budgets. PR budgets. Touring expenses. Rehearsal space. Graphic designers. Photographers. Video directors. Social media ad campaigns. Session musicians. Lessons. Seminars…. That shady playlist pitching company you keep seeing on Instagram (free advice, skip that one)
So many ways to invest. Wisely and poorly.
While the list above contains a lot of the obvious things that artists get used to paying their hard earned money for, it doesn’t include something that should maybe be more obvious than it is.
Objective Perspective.
Why would you pay for perspective ?
Because it’s hard to get on your own. Or from someone who’s already got a stake in your success (or theirs).
In the same way you’d happily pay someone to take your picture or design your album artwork because you know you can’t do everything, investing in a little outside perspective just means you're smart enough to know you can’t see everything. None of us can.
Sometimes sitting down with someone you don’t know, with fresh ears, fresh eyes, and maybe some fresh ideas on what you’re doing, can be a really smart investment. At the very least it allows you to see and hear how someone else see's and hears YOU, and trust us on this one - that’s valuable.
Artists spend so much time in the middle. It’s your job to be in the centre of it, you are the heart and soul of what you create. If the artist isn't in the middle, the product won’t be right. But standing in the middle does occasionally obstruct the larger view. It can impact our ability to see things from the outside, and as long as we’re making music to be shared with the outside world, how it looks, feels, and sounds from the out there matters. Not more than the view from the middle, but it really does matter.
Workshop takes 20+ years of music industry experience and combines it with a huge passion for helping artists see and be the best version of themselves.
You can call it consulting, but we’d rather call it offering Objective Perspective.
Ever thought you’d like to have a managers perspective without actually having a manager ? Or a producers perspective without hiring a producer ? How about a creative directors take on what you’re doing ? A songwriters take on what you’re writing ? We can offer that.
We’ve worked with artists across a variety of genres. Major labels, indie labels, booking agents, publishers, producers, and we've spent a long time learning what to do and more importantly, what not to do, when it comes to carving out a career in music.
We’ve even met the shady playlist guy from Instagram. We all make mistakes on the path to getting it right.
We know outside perspective has proven valuable to us, and if you think it might be valuable to you, reach out and introduce yourself. We can set up a time to talk, a time to listen, and a time to hear your perspective and offer ours, if that seems like something worth investing in.
It costs nothing to send an email and start a conversation.
We’d be stoked to meet you.